My Book is finally done. I have a release date of January 17th in the mean time you can find my book here. Check it out! It has been a long process but I am pleased with the result.
Because of my book, I have been doing more thinking and research on grief. I am convinced that unprocessed grief is epidemic in our culture. Too much much moves too fast and who has time for losses? Change good or bad is a loss of what we know. Right now if you start college courses to learn a trade related to computers the knowledge you learn your first year will be obsolete by the time you graduate. That is just too dang fast!
But I keep looking back at the wisdom of Jesus who said, "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted" (Matthew 5:4) That isn't Blessed are those who have losses but those who grieve their losses, those who take the time to process.
I can't find the time to sit here and think some days and changes are coming WAY too fast. But I wonder about my quality of life when I don't take that time. I wonder how much anxiety and unprocessed grief are linked together.
Rapid fire life makes me crazy! I'm anxious and scared when things are unfamiliar. But comfort relieves anxiety doesn't it? Anxiety is easy for me. I can get wrapped around the axle sometimes. But I truey am comforted when I take the time to process and pray.