Saturday, May 7, 2011

A passing

I have a friend whose mother is slipping away. I remember what it was like to lose my Father-in-law. Time was ticking by so slowly and yet there was no stopping life from being irreconcilably changed.

In this country we separate the process of dying from everyday life. Few are witnesses of the holy event. Few are the ones that bath and feed and nurture. But those that chose to witness have tasted a different dimension where all things carnal pass away and all things eternal blossom.

1 comment:

  1. I remember thinking those very thoughts Ruth Ann. I was standing looking out a window at Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle, watching the people scurrying about like ants on hot cement. My step dad had slipped away and none of them new any different. None of them knew my pain or sorrow I was feeling, it was a odd but defining moment.
