Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Learning from Children

Jesus said in Matthew 18:3“Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." Don't you wonder what He meant? If you look at that verse in context, Jesus is answering a question his disciples asked, "Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"

It's the wrong question...

The disciples asked the wrong questions all the time. It's like asking an innocent by stander, "Did you use a knife or a gun to rob this store?" How can you answer a question like that?

I think Jesus replies to twisty questions with crafty answers. "What? Who's the greatest? In the asking of the question you have missed heaven completely!

On the flip side, we often approach children with the idea that we have much to teach them. But the opposite is true. Children have much to teach us. If we will take the time to watch, listen and learn. I think over all children are better grievers than we are. Unless of course we have already taught them it's not OK to cry.

1 comment:

  1. My house mate has a lovely Lab. She is sweet and wise and a people person. A friend came over and rang the door bell, and as she entered my house mate's dog started to bark. My house mate scolded the dog for barking. My friend said to her, "Why are you scolding her for barking?", my house mate said, "Because she isn't suppose to bark!". My friend said back, "But she is protecting you, that is what dogs do!"
    I don't think my house mate agreed, but, I was realizing that that is exactly what dogs do, and we as people tend at times to do that to our own children. Don't make noise, don't say that, don't cry!! We are squashing them when they are just curious or in need. Lord help us!
