Thursday, July 14, 2011

His Wings and Flighty Chickens

Psalms 57:1 says, "Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me!For my soul trusts in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, Until these calamities have passed by."

I get a picture in my head when I read this passage. I think of my chickens. Chickens are flighty little creatures that run away from most everything unless they are raising chicks. Then, look out, mama hens are vicious! They will tear into anything that threatens their chicks. When the chicks are alarmed mama hen will lift her wings ever so slightly, fluff out to a much bigger appearance and call her chicks to her. Chicks scurry from all sides and scramble under wing for comfort and safety.

Sometimes there is so much clamor that I get lost. Sometimes the chaos is too much for me. Those are often the days I don't cry out to the LORD or seek His face. Why is that? Why, when I am most desperate for comfort, do I shy away? (Listening) Well, the obvious reason is trust. When my world is gets shaken, I get frightened. In the flurry, I forget that God is on my side. I lose trust in everything. Some chicks are like that. They get so frightened and disoriented that they just sort of cry and run in a million directions. Did you know that mama hens raise their voices? When their chicks are flustered they make a ruckus of cackling noises. Perhaps they are trying to be heard above the panic. Hmmm Does God do the same? (Listening)

I don't hear much but I feel almost a hunger to "make my refuge " in the shadow of His wings. As I think about it, I am tired of running around frightened and disoriented. I'm tired of being confused and confounded. I long for the rest that He offers. Good grief, why does it take me so long to get here?

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